Tuesday, January 25, 2005

And snow covered the course...

The cold air filled the lungs with a mentholyptic presence...

The sky poluted with lights from below...


Zero...not plus...not minus...dead even...dead cold...

Bundled...like the earths core...heat not escaping...

Twelve...old enough to know...not old enough to care...

Comfortable...not Lazy Boy comfortable...the world is our oyster comfortable...

Two...with the presence of one...I felt only one...

Envy...age brings wisdom...wisdom brings bias...not all that we know we actually know at all...

Now...at this moment...none of that is accounted for...like it used to be...

This was our puzzle...Held up and tilted...we rolled around...aimed for the holes we zoomed right by...

We weren't meant for the holes...we were meant to sit at the bottom...together...looking up at the maze above...

Knowing once you reach the holes that you will be shaken...removed...settled at the bottom...placed back on the table...

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Swimming with the Fishes...He was...


I stared into his round eye...


Yet I believe your still alive...

You survived four long years in the condo...
You survived three long years in the house...
You survived the time between the condo and the house when we lived in an attic without heat...
You survived the time we video taped Jeff trying to get you to bite him...

We bought you a huge tank so you could be King of the world...
I loved seeing you zoom around no longer confined...but maybe like myself it was all to grand for you...maybe you liked your little dirty tank...maybe it was more comfortable with no lights...no stage...no attention

I loved the way you kept your tank...

Digging holes...burying the plastic frogs then setting them up in the corner...

I loved the way that you ate 20 feeder fish in 2 days and then the next time I bought you feeder
fish you let them grow for weeks without eating them and then one day you ate all of their eyeballs but didn't take a bite out of them...

I loved the way I'd stare at you in the morning and you would puke rocks cause I caught you diggin...

I loved the way that the crawfish would bite you while you were sleeping but you never ate him...

but then he molted...and I saw last night that you ate the shell...I saw last night that your colors were dark...I am a bad father...For had I known that you weren't supposed to eat crawfish shell I would have made you eat mustard seed...you would have puked but all would be well...

I miss you little buddy...

In Loving Memory of Jack P. Dempsey 1997-2005

Friday, January 14, 2005

Time Flys

I stare at the clock...
What the hell?
It must have moved farther than that...
This is crap...
My phone's not ringing...but my urge is...
A wealth of knowledge is two short clicks away but big brother is watching...
I could disable it...enable myself...
I search my harddrive for something that I might have saved and forgot about...
Nope nothing there...old emails...some Mp3's...and about 100 things called test.txt, tesssst.txt, test1.txt, testststs.txt
I was always a messy lad...cluttered house, cluttered drive
Time for water...
Am I the only one who changes this Poland Spring Medicine Ball?
If I drink 10 waters an hour I'll pee more...
Something about the clear pee though...seems useless...waste of time...
Must wash hand thoroughly...maybe catch a side conversation on the way to and fro...
Phone's ringing!!! Damn another brainless question from another brainless employee...
Can't take lunch too early...makes for a long afternoon...but this is killing me...
EMAIL!!!! Damn...Some work bulletin...
This is like a rainy day off from school...
Ok I can jump onto a site for 10 seconds...Highlight all the text and copy it into Notepad..
That way I can read it at my leisure and I'm not online...plus it looks like work...
I hit snooze this morning at 7:31...I stared at the glowing red lines and watched them change...
I thought of every excuse possible that would let me fall back asleep...then that sound happened again...
I listened to it for about 6 seconds...If I had listened to it for 10 I would have thrown that goddamn thing at the wall...
Shower...I want to wear my steelers garb today...why does it matter? Why do I have to dress uncomfortably...uncharacteristically?
Makes me think better? Makes me feel professional? Ha! I hate professionalism...Bunch of suits who read from a script...
Couldn't do the job better if they had to...I'm short so I'll never be the boss...it's always a 6 foot tall white dude...
MicroManagement...don't get me started...
If I could take these 8 hours a day...9 with lunch...and put them to good use I could build a yacht...with a bowling alley...
I have way too many pens...there's two that haven't been chewed...
Must have been left here by someone else...I'll chew em later...
I hate when I chew the pen so much the cap won't go back on...
I love when people grab at my pens and then get grossed out by the chewed pen...I should be grossed out...
After all it's there dirty friggin hands on my pen...bring your own if you're gonna complain...I'm at more risk than you are...
it's 11:18...ugh
I love you mp3 player...you'll get me through it...you always do...
Think they'll notice that my advocate changes pages every 10 minutes...
I can read it from afar...god gave me good eyes so I shall put them to use...
Another Friday on the cusp of big weekend plans...

Monday, January 03, 2005

Taxes, Prices, Costs

Oil = $2.00 a gallon...

Gas = $2.00 a gallon...

Milk = $3.50 a gallon...

I ask how it is possible that this recent trend of inflation goes unchallenged? I remember somewhere hearing that the average inflation was something like 7% or something like that...
Gas has increased about 80% over the last two years...Oil 100%...Pay Phones used to cost a quarter for unlimited local calls and now it's $0.50 for 4 mins on some phones...The electric company wanted a 17% increase and only got 10% approved...

All this and I would say the average annual raise for a standard office employee is 3 to 5%.

I know some will say you sound like an old man but I'm thinking this is extreme...inflation occurs and that I understand but how can this stuff just happen overnight...My house was appraised at 90,000 dollars when I bought it 2.5 years ago...I just got re-evaluated and now my house is being taxed at 183,000!!!! Thats more than double!!!! I couldn't possibly sell my house for that much...I know some say I should fight it...but I feel that I shouldn't have to...

I was reading today that this warm air trend in the northeast has caused oil companies to charge less for oil therefore lowering the prices of oil for the consumer...This is SHIT!...When we don't need it it's cheaper...this should be regulated...christ...