Swimming with the Fishes...He was...
I stared into his round eye...
Yet I believe your still alive...
You survived four long years in the condo...
You survived three long years in the house...
You survived the time between the condo and the house when we lived in an attic without heat...
You survived the time we video taped Jeff trying to get you to bite him...
We bought you a huge tank so you could be King of the world...
I loved seeing you zoom around no longer confined...but maybe like myself it was all to grand for you...maybe you liked your little dirty tank...maybe it was more comfortable with no lights...no stage...no attention
I loved the way you kept your tank...
Digging holes...burying the plastic frogs then setting them up in the corner...
I loved the way that you ate 20 feeder fish in 2 days and then the next time I bought you feeder
fish you let them grow for weeks without eating them and then one day you ate all of their eyeballs but didn't take a bite out of them...
I loved the way I'd stare at you in the morning and you would puke rocks cause I caught you diggin...
I loved the way that the crawfish would bite you while you were sleeping but you never ate him...
but then he molted...and I saw last night that you ate the shell...I saw last night that your colors were dark...I am a bad father...For had I known that you weren't supposed to eat crawfish shell I would have made you eat mustard seed...you would have puked but all would be well...
I miss you little buddy...
In Loving Memory of Jack P. Dempsey 1997-2005
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