You were supposed build the shelter...
That was your only responsibility...
But when I got there...There was none...
And I bet it didn't even cross your mind that you did not...
So now I sit...
Uncovered in a field...
A human test for the elements...
I could cover up...
I could call you to fix it...
I could call others for help...
But this time I'm just going to sit here...
Bring on the rain...Bring on the storms...
Bring on the creatures of the night...Bring on the vultures...
I shouldn't have to deal with this...
And I wouldn't have to...
But I'm sick of working on your behalf...
If I cover up now and sleep a good nights sleep...
Will I have the anger to confront the situation in the morning?
To be able to say how I feel without care for the thoughts of others?
Now I will...
And as the crater sits uneasy and the steam begins to fill
My thoughts are getting greasy as they're slipping towards my bill
But as I sit here and I wrangle and I whoa my mind to still
I Scream "Fuck it" and untangle and unleash the pack to kill