Why Hillary Clinton should be a Martyr...
I never thought I'd touch politics with this blog thing but I have...
So here goes nothing...Hear me out...
First off...I am in no way implying that I am politically knowledgable...
In fact I am the opposite...I am politically ignorant...Much like with religion
I feel way too much time is spent selling them than improving or teaching them.
And both institutions lost sight of their purpose a long time ago...
I refuse to vote because I believe that you don't have the right to vote...
You have the right to vote for two selected individuals...that's not much of a right
to me...
Anyway onto the politics...
Right now we have two parties that control our government...
Realistically there are only two choices that have a shot at winning an election...
That means that even though there are thousands of issues up for debate during a particular
election you only have two realistic choices...(Yes I know you can vote for Nader...That's a waste of time...I'll explain later...)
I'm sorry but I can't possibly fathom this concept...
And since the early 1900's these two parties have passed legislation that makes it increasingly
more difficult to have a third party that is tax funded...hmmm seems fishy to me...
With all of these issues including: Abortion, Medicare, Guns, Taxes, Military...
You only get to pick between two candidates beliefs on these matters?!?!
So even though the addition on one more party doesn't sound like that large of a gain I really think
it would be...
Here lies the problem...
(There are more in depth rules to this) But basically you would need a party where 5% of the voters
registered for them in order for them to appear on the ballot across the states and receive tax funding...
There is no one that has been able to pull these numbers...(See Perot, Nader...)
This is where Hillary comes in...
She will more than likely run in 4 years as a democrat...and the democrats are probably thinking
since George has put such a bad taste in everyones mouth that the democrats are the strongest they've
ever been heading into an election...If a women has ever had a chance so far it's in the upcoming election.
but let's be real here...There is very slim chance that she can win this election...You may hear a good buzz that people
will vote for her but it's not realistic...the media will blow this up huge and she is barely a seasoned politician...
I do believe if she could put her pride aside and start a third party that she would be able to get the necessary 5%
and start a honest third party in this country...She is absolutely guaranteed to lose the election if this is the case
but I believe she will be marking a very important milestone in American History...more so than the first woman president...
You may be thinking that the first woman president is a huge milestone...but a person is a person...male or female...it really
won't change much...
Having a woman president is only a small part of the Gender war in politics...
I'm fairly certain that like 95% of all offices are held by males...
I'm thinking that a strong third party with a strong female presence will do more to balance the gender war in politics than a female
president...all through history the only way women have obtained more strength and equality was by doing themselves...
So I will not vote...
With only two realistic choices it is useless...
But with a strong third party I would stand up and register under that party and vote...not for Hillary but for a third choice...
Maybe someday I'll want to vote Democrat or Republican but right now I just want more choices...
Seriously we are only one party away from a dictatorship...
How much control do we really have?
Just about 50% of the USA voted against Bush...but he won...
So it's pretty crazy that almost half of the votes cast were swept under the rug...
Don't believe me...look at your cable, phone, electricity, and water bill...you have very few choices and the prices keep
Look at your cellphone coverage...you have a bunch of choices and the prices keep coming down and the benefits keep increasing...
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